At the core of every human body is the spine. It’s the most important component of the skeletal structure, is connected to, and connects, everything. The spine essentially shapes our bodies, physical and mental health.
After being turned away by countless doctors due to the risks involved in operating on her S-shaped spine, 14-year old scoliosis patient Landie, who never gave up on herself, has been given hope for her future by the incredible team at JSH. In fact, her future is now in great shape.
Specialist anaesthesiologist Dr Fatima Lambat tells us why Landi’s situation would have been seen as too risky by other surgeons and hospitals. Scoliosis is an unnatural curvature of the spine; instead of being straight the spine is curved in either an S or a C-shape. In acute cases such as Landie’s this spinal deformity can lead to many medical complications which can, and often do, become more severe as time goes by and as the patient gets older.
The unnatural curvature of the spine puts scoliosis patients at the risk of many organs being prevented from functioning properly; including the lungs, heart and the nerve roots in the spinal column. These nerve roots are connected to everything in the body, including the brain; and are the lifesource for every organ to function at its optimal level. When the spine is out of alignment it will not only have a physical effect, but an emotional and psychological one as well.
This is why Landie’s surgery had two very important factors driving it. Aside from the physical, Landie was facing many emotional and psychological challenges since the curvature of her spine affected how she walked as well. Thus with just one glance people would assume that she was disabled, but this is far from the case. The second very important factor driving the necessity of this surgery was that if left untreated the curvature of Landie’s spine would, in time, begin to strongly affect the overall functioning of her body and vital organs, leaving her with very little quality of life.
But for Dr Nash Munthree, Neurosurgeon and the team at JSH this was a challenge that they were willing to take on. JSH is founded on, and stands by, its ethos of creating a better future for every patient that comes through their doors. And Landie was no exception. Although the first surgery was not one hundred percent successful, due to challenges during surgery the team was not willing to give up.
During her first surgery Doctors Munthree and Lambat found that when they corrected the curvature of her spine completely there were certain areas where they were not getting any response from the nerve endings. After eight gruelling hours in the theatre, it was time to close her up and take another look at the situation. Landie’s spinal curve was far better than when they began, but it still wasn’t completely straight.
Because her spine was unstable, Landie spent the next week in the ICU lying down. During this time her unshakable positivity and emotional strength not only kept her going, but all the hospital staff and patients around her too. Landie brought hope to so many in her own time of struggle, earning her a very special place in the hearts of all who treated her and all who connected with her.
Landie gave hope and inspiration to Dr Munthree and his team during what Dr Lambat describes as the most stressful week in their lives while they were searching for the problem so that they could find a solution. So that they would know what to do to make the second surgery a success. And it was; during her second round on the operating table Dr Munthree was able to find the right way to straighten her spine and still allow for optimal functioning of all her nerve roots and responses.
Today Landie has recovered completely. She walks tall and continues to hold her head high shining her light of positivity and never-ending faith on all who are blessed to meet her. She thanks God for making her the way she is; Landie believes that her condition was not a curse but a blessing; and it’s clear in her manner and approach to life. For such a young girl she is very wise beyond her years. She extends her gratitude to the JSH staff and management for not giving up on her, for working hard to achieve what they have done with her surgeries and recovery. “Now I feel renewed and normal like other kids therefore I am grateful and happy about my life and my future plans.”.
Landie’s future is indeed in far better shape thanks to the team at JSH. And it’s clear that this young lady is about to conquer the world, inspire generations to come and act as a constant reminder that what may look like a dis-ability is actually a en-ablement. Her journey, and the journey that JSH has taken with her is solid proof of this.