
Johannesburg Surgical Hospital is unique in its approach to healthcare by incorporating Radiology as an integral part of the hospital itself. This allows for outcome-based patient care. Combined with innovative IT integration technologies and the use of industry-leading Vendor Neutral Archive, this will be one of the most technologically advanced facilities in the country, providing integrated access to patient records.


Johannesburg Surgical Hospital is unique in its approach to healthcare by incorporating Radiology as an integral part of the hospital itself. This allows for outcome-based patient care. Combined with innovative IT integration technologies and the use of industry-leading Vendor Neutral Archive, this will be one of the most technologically advanced facilities in the country, providing integrated access to patient records.

Interventional Radiology

Johannesburg Surgical Hospital is equipped with the latest x-ray imaging system for interventional radiology procedures. This system is unique in its ability to clearly view small moving objects, allowing neuro interventions to be performed with confidence. The equipment enables our radiologists to diagnose and utilise imaging data to plan their treatment paths, ensuring optimal outcomes for interventional radiological procedures.

MRI Scanning

By using the latest technology available in MRI equipment, the Radiology department can perform routine MRI scans faster and with greater imaging quality. The equipment is supplemented with the latest software technology to ensure accurate diagnoses. Shorter scan times result in a reduced total visit time for patients.

CT Scanning

The CT technology used by Johannesburg Surgical Hospital allows for the most precise imaging with the least discomfort to the patient, all at lower doses of contrast and radiation. This makes it the ideal location for sensitive patients and those who are seriously ill or have reduced kidney function.

Mammogram Technology​

Industry-leading mammography technology allows for the highest quality imaging with low radiation doses, avoiding unnecessary radiation exposure.